Monday, April 17, 2017

Area 51 for Sega Saturn review

Area 51 was originally a lightgun arcade game. There is no bonus for headshots and each shot on the screen instantly killed the grunt opponents.
You can acquire upgrades for guns when you shoot at those that appear on the screen.

This port is very faithful, and very close to Arcade-like. I'll get to why not later. You use the keypad to aim, b to reload, c to shoot. Good control like A button, B button on a NES controller.
Easy is easy, bit difficult for those unskilled or prefer a light gun.

I don't know if it's nostalgia but I really like this game and think it holds up.

Sometimes there is loading in between scenes on my disc, albeit I did not check for scratches etc..

I played on RGB Scart and the images for the digital aliens seem blurry. They're a bunch of flaming bones. A lot of these animations are noticeably just copy and paste of the palette animations.