Friday, October 23, 2015

The Lion King review

This film really stands out in all the Disney Renaissance. It did really well in the 3D re-release.
Although the characters were inspired by anime, there was a lot of influence by studies in Africa. Putting Lions in a studio to draw them. And the story although about survival, was a lot campier in Disney and didn't involve a human hunter.

James Earl Jones is perfectly cast as Mufasa, including a very Jedi-ish scene in the clouds.
This is probably the best role Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Matthew Broderick will be known for.
It's not as realistic as Bambi having probably more animal religion stuff than what Pocahontas ended up being. The wind effects were probably inserted into Colors of the Wind. The mix for the stampede scene is an animated wonder. Really good. All the scenes look really cool.
If they wanted to do a sequel now, I'd recommend them going for the Walt Disney World, Magic Kingdom, Philharmagic 3D effects.

Jeremy Irons is friggin awesome. It'd be great if he showed up as a bad ass in Batman vs Superman and drops Superman with Kryptonite and said, "Simon didn't say!"

Timon and Pumbaa end up with like 20 animated series after this.

Monday, October 19, 2015

The best of Ridley Scott

  1. Blade Runner
  2. Alien
  3. American Gangster
  4. Thelma and Louise 
  5. Prometheus
  6. The Counselor
  7. Kingdom of Heaven
  8. Gladiator
  9. Exodus
  10. GI Jane
  11. Legend