Thursday, June 26, 2014

Transformers Dark of the Moon: 3 Reasons Why It Sucks

  1. What's the point of the Ark/Dark (Side) of the Moon subplot? JFK is used to make it seem more real, but doesn't add much either.
  2. Shia can't find a job: It's his last film.
  3. Sentinel Prime becomes a bad guy to save the world that really makes no sense and makes traitors look unempathetic.
  4. Michael Bay's writers steal a plot from the worst written episode of Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad, (the kidnapping watch)
  5. Fox News product placement
  6. Apple product placement
  7. Grey's Anatomy guy used as a bad guy.
  8. The JJ Abrams use of Transformers references that only make sense if you somehow follow Transformers and don't know what they mean simultaneously.
  9. Sam Witwicky is fucking Batman and somehow kills Starscream. Does he come back? We don't give a shit by this time in the show.
  10. Death with bones poorly designed for concept art sketches.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Transformers 3: fuck community fans

You guys are probably the reason why JJ Abrams had a job.
There's nothing amusing about community as it only enhances stereotypes about an industry that is dying due to its inability to find Americans jobs and ruin our economy with its terrible stereotypes of the college fantasy frat life glory.
There was probably a time like in the social network where media portrayed it as conspiracies and dehumanizations of man with illuminati themes, but that seems to no longer be the case anymore.
It's 2008  where employment was severely down post college. We couldn't pay for houses, we couldn't any for tuition but u went and spent hundreds of dollars on food and ticket for this shorty movie anyway going hey that zany "funny" Asian guy is there
Well this is an f for you fucking college drop out so fuck you!

Transformers 3: fuck ken Jeong

I don't know if this was the worst thing in transformers 3 but as an Asian American it sure as he'll stood out to me. In the words of Daniel cud more in the 2014 eternalcon q and a, Ken Jeong sold his soul to become famous. He's not doing anything artistic or even witty. He caters to a fan base who doesn't understand Asian Americans and more importantly writers and directors o know what the fuck they're doing. How the hell can this film reach a billion when shotaro ishinompris lessons about the dark side of humanity have been overlooked is beyond me. Ken doesn't play a realistic crazy or ignorant Asian man. He doesn't play a stereotype. He plays an awkward type that influences media on so many levels while not even being an a lister.
So fuck you for not ruining Asian Americans in media, fuck you for not only ruining the transformers in general but fuck you for ruining media

Why transformers is a successful franchise of blockbusters

Transformers is a classic like that of stanley kubricks 2001 which requires multiple viewings. There's the scene of sex war and incest especially when Shia lebeoufs parents ask him if he was masturbating. Hot motor girl and an Everyman dealing with the hero's journey back to the future dilemmas of reaganist suburban high school life.
Appearances on Conan
War propaganda commercializations opposite evangelism which coincidentally Michael bay also wants to remake.
The human story is thin. We even get parents dealing with a masturbation joke.
Jon voight
Jon tuturro also underused with an annoying character albeit not that terrible.

The plot and characters are low class, but they make sense unlike recent films coming out

It appealed to the Christopher Nolan audience that wanted a more "adult" yet commercial unchallenging way.

There is a lot of production value put in the transformers albeit post lotr you hoped they could do better. There's not a great us of soundstages. But there is no doubt the effort put in thetransformation sequences making you ponder what can be done with iron man, and power rangers, making seemingly impossible transitions occur on screen. It even gives it a bit of an invasion of the body snatchers feel with the alien communist fears in play for the wrong reasons.
It really could've been a commentary on the horrors of war especially with Leonard nimoys character and globalization and the future after Michael bay's work on the island, but alas no.

Remember people like mediocre scripts, heavily marketed films.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The biggest Nintendo announcements during E3 2014

5 Yoshi's Wooly World: Yoshi's Epic Yarn?
4 Hyrule Warriors: Nintendo Skyrim?
3 Legend of Zelda 2015: Another sequel to a historic franchise.
2 Xenoblade Chronicles X: A sequel to a highly sought out high production valuable game.
1 Star Fox: Play with two views using the Game Pad.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

30th Anniversary: Ghostbusters: Religion

Christian vs Sumerian religion
"Don't look at it!" Ray tells Egon.
"I looked at it" Egon admits.
The Trap is similar to that of the Ark of the Covenant, previously used 3 years ago.
Again, in Venkman's first scene, there is a door with his name on it graffitied, "VENKMAN GO TO HELL." Was this truly a sign from a hated student, or the devil himself? Possibly Christian. Possibly SUMERIAN?!
Gozer, a Sumerian god is present in a refridgerator, while the Ghostbusters drive a Funeral car.
Dana lives in a world, Reagan or not, where she does not know anything about Sumeria. Maybe it's an athiest world they live in that doesn't believe in religion or ghosts.
However, the mayor does ask a Catholic priest information regarding the explosions in NYC in addition to Winston and Ray discussing the end of the world according to the Bible.
Furthermore, it was mentioned that people in the 1920s committed unnecessary and mad surgeries in this universe.
Controversially, there are also mentions of pseudosciences opposed to religion.
Furthermore, nuclear weapons are factored in this universe with the proton packs.
Meanwhile, I'm getting a visit from the NSA regarding looking up Ghostbusters and skyscraper explosions at the end of the film.

30th Anniversary Ghostbusters: Statues

Statues are significant because that is the four legged like beings the Keymaster and the Gatekeeper turn into when they meet.
However, they are also prominently featured throughout the film thanks to the cinematography of the famed Laszlo Kovacs, a cinematographer from the American New Hollywood.
The statues in the initial shot of the library.
The statues of the second shot outside Venkman's workplace.
As well as one in Central Park, oddly enough right before Louis Tully is attacked by Vinz.
They could also be representing inanimate objects resembling animate objects, such as ghosts.

The 30th Anniversary: What does the New York Public Library and College represent in Ghostbusters?

The New York Public Library and college are significant symbols in the show.
It's the first place where the audience and Ghostbusters hear of a ghost, despite not actually capturing it in the film.
Furthermore, several books of history's meaning could be hidden from audiences due to the blurriness of the shot.
The film is an ancient story like that of Zuul and Gozer, so you figure it would've taken in some place more modern like a theatre.
However, there is no doubt that fiction is represented in the film as cards fly from library drawers and ghosts appear as well as the symbol of a quiet controlled environment, such as science and the library vs the chaotic environment of nature and the ghosts.
These were a symbol of intelligence that the Ghostbusters later fully realize.
Furthermore, ZUUL and Vinz are represented through quadraped statue shapes, much like that of the library's statues.
The ghosts are a story, possibly nothing more.

What to research when critiquing Ghostbusters

A very interesting aspect of the film was how the characters were able to express knowledge of several other histories of paranormal activity. It was a bit Star Trek-like, but also made them seem a bit more intelligent despite being in a pseudo science.
There's no Gozer or ZUUL in Babylonian history.
Yet movie magic happens and you believe it happened no different when the wrong guy invades China in Mulan.
New York is interesting because of its colonial history and Manhattan's Greek free mason architecture, which is a key factor in Stanley Kubrick films, such as the Shining, another film about the paranormal. Not to mention the fact that it is a major trade city.

The 30th Anniversary: Ghostbusters' homages to other films

  • Poltergeist, the techniques used to move objects invisibly in the library.
  • Blade Runner, with the psychic interrogation that can possibly result in somebody's death
  • Alien, with the references to child birth trauma.
  • The Shining, the hotel not to mention the ballroom were clear references
  • E.T., Zuul and Vinz kissing, like the girl and Elliot to Gone with the Wind
  • Vertigo, and probably the most famous Hitchcockian staircase